Learn more about our graduate students by browsing the alphabetical listing below. You also may search for students by name.
Nicholas Barron Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 402 Walker Building nrb171@psu.edu |
Elissa A. Bartos Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building eas558@psu.edu |
Ana Bolivar Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building ajb8224@psu.edu |
Samuel Brandt Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building sxb1072@psu.edu |
Josue Chamberlain M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building juc5014@psu.edu |
Alexis Cole M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building aec5849@psu.edu |
Alexander Creighton Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building alc6990@psu.edu |
Kyle Dailey Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building kjd5788@psu.edu |
Laura Dailey Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building lbd5253@psu.edu |
Abhisek Das Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 603 Walker Building apd5662@psu.edu |
John DelPizzo Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building jjd6728@psu.edu |
Amanze Ejiogu Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building aoe5147@psu.edu |
Da Fan Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 601 Walker Building dxf424@psu.edu |
Yifei Fan Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 601 Walker Building ybf5107@psu.edu |
Kevin Fletcher Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 416 Walker Building kjf5511@psu.edu |
Eliot Foust Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 413 Walker Building wef5056@psu.edu |
Brandon Antonio Garcia M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building bag5545@psu.edu |
Michelle Gore Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building mjg6459@psu.edu |
Benjamin Henry M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building bsh5393@psu.edu |
Jason Horne Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 413 Walker Building jph6488@psu.edu |
Jingyi Hu M.S. (IUG) Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624 Walker Building jqh6202@psu.edu |
Pin-Chun Huang Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 407 Walker pkh5218@psu.edu |
Wing Him (Kinen) Kao Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building wmk5123@psu.edu |
Maxwell Katsouros M.S. (IUG) Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 402 Walker Building msk5567@psu.edu |
Helen Kenion Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 413 Walker Building hck5061@psu.edu |
William Kortright M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building wjk5338@psu.edu |
Grant LaChat M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 407 Walker Building gxl5179@psu.edu |
Luke LeBel Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building ljl5305@psu.edu |
Yuzhu Lin Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412 Walker Building yxl5930@psu.edu |
Grace Liu Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building gtl5096@psu.edu |
Josh Mallay M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building jdm7103@psu.edu |
James Marlow Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 416 Walker Building jrm6600@psu.edu |
Alexander Massa Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building aym5836@psu.edu |
Patrick McFarland Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Pine Hall pmm5652@psu.edu |
Katherine McKeown Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building kem6245@psu.edu |
Ryan McMichael Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 603 Walker Building rpm5826@psu.edu |
Allen Mewhinney Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 407 Walker Building ajm6890@psu.edu |
Quinn Mulhern Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 418 Walker Building qrm5008@psu.edu |
Samantha Murphy Ph.D, Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 416 Walker Building smm8236@psu.edu |
Kyle M. Nardi Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building kmn182@psu.edu |
Joshua Pan Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building jvp5930@psu.edu |
Chin-Hsuan Peng Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624 Walker Building cpp5406@psu.edu |
Da-Kai Peng Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 410 Walker Building dmp6459@psu.edu |
Kaitlyn Potucek Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building kpp5396@psu.edu |
Angela Poulos M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 407 Walker Building anp5571@psu.edu |
Nicholas Prince Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 413 Walker Building nec5299@psu.edu |
Chandler Pruett Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building cmp7089@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Rader M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 413 Walker Building ehr5074@psu.edu |
Jordan Rendon Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624 Walker Building jjr6491@psu.edu |
Bruno Rojas Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 402 Walker Building bsr5234@psu.edu |
Dixuan Rui Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 410 Walker Building dpr5315@psu.edu |
Christopher Sala Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 601 Walker Building cms8477@psu.edu |
Andrew Saldana M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building azs6903@psu.edu |
Vikrant Sapkota Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 408 Walker Building vqs5271@psu.edu |
Ethan Schaefer M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624 Walker Building ems6520@psu.edu |
Julian Schima Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 410 Walker Building jcs6832@psu.edu |
Jon Seibert Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 614 Walker Building jjs5895@psu.edu |
Christian Spallone M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building cps5892@psu.edu |
Asha Spencer M.S. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building acs6340@psu.edu |
Lydia Spychalla Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412 Walker Building lks5850@psu.edu |
Braedon Stouffer Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 406 Walker Building bcs5441@psu.edu |
Jacob Tindan Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 605 Walker Building jzt5720@psu.edu |
Anna VanAllstine Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412 Walker Building aev5019@psu.edu |
Matthew Varela Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 402 Walker Building mjv5638@psu.edu |
Alice Vendrame Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 530 Walker Building apv5475@psu.edu |
Garett Warner Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 410 Walker Building grw5056@psu.edu |
Matthew Wilcox Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 622 Walker Building mfw56@psu.edu |
Fan Wu Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 416 Walker Building ffw5051@psu.edu |
Sarah Wugofski Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412 Walker Building sjw5417@psu.edu |
Zhu (Judy) Yao Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624 Walker Building zuy121@psu.edu |
Song Zhang Ph.D. Graduate Student Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412 Walker Building svz5330@psu.edu |